5. "Where the Wild Things Are"
To put it simply, this movie had more balls than anything else this year. Spike Jonze managed to take a beloved children's book comprised of about three sentences and turn it into a hauntingly beautiful multi-million-dollar art film about a bunch of bipolar muppets and the confused little boy caught in the middle. Warner Bros. is probably kicking itself for taking such an expensive risk, but fuck 'em, this is a great movie. Coupled with "Fantastic Mr. Fox" (currently occupying my #11 spot), kids movies took a turn for the awesome in '09.

4. "Loren Cass"
This movie made about eight thousand dollars at the box office, (or 1/15000 of what "G-Force" made), so chances are you've never heard of it. Chris Fuller's debut feature is about depressed teenagers in the wake of the '97 St. Petersburg race riots, and it's a big ol' batch of violent stu, throwing in intense dream imagery, recordings of famous speeches, archival footage, a great soundtrack, and a whole lotta non-linear angst. It's damn hard to describe, but it's hella-hypnotic and will burrow a special place in your brain long after it's over. You'll also want to punch some shit.
3. "World's Greatest Dad"
In Bobcat Goldthwait's third feature, Robin Williams' douchebag of a son dies in a masturbation related accident, and, to save his family the embarrassment, he covers it up by making it look like a suicide. And if you're not laughing now, trust me, this movie is fucking hilarious. This is a pitch-black satire that puts the last six years of "South Park" to shame. It's impressive, actually, how well this movie works, how the comedy never seems to become one-note, and how Williams' character remains sympathetic, even when he's profiting the most off his son's death. For those of you who love some good old-fashioned bad taste, check this shit out.

2. "A Serious Man"
Despite winning several Oscars two years ago for "No Country for Old Men," the Coen Brothers are still out to prove they're at the top of their fucking game. And "A Serious Man," a dark comedy that hearkens all the way back to "Barton Fink" (a personal favorite), does just that. Piling one misfortune after another onto its sincere protagonist (the excellent Michael Stuhlbarg), the film is essentially the story of Job told with such fuck-you glee that it never stops entertaining. Most definitely the Coens' best comedy since "Lebowski."
1. "35 Shots of Rum"
Claire Denis' drama about an aging train conductor living with his daughter is tender, mysterious, and altogether remarkable. Admittedly, it's not the kind of movie that usually tops my end of the year list. But I can't think of a better movie. It's heartwarming with an underlying sense of melancholy, and none of the emotions feel forced or scripted--they occur organically. Check this one out, you'll be surprised.
Honorable mentions: "Medicine for Melancholy," "Big Fan," "The Messenger," "Tony Manero," "Goodbye Solo," "Fantastic Mr. Fox," "District 9," "Humpday," "Beeswax."
The Doctor's TOP FIVE
5. Humpday
Humpday was the Duplass Brother's newest directorial release. Nothing sez best friends like trying to make a gay porno with two rather straight men. The dynamic between the guys was hilarious and completely natural. It looks like some shit I would do. Except the gay sex part.
4. Found Footage Fest Vol. 5
The Found Footage Fest Vol. 5 tour came to Kalamazoo the same day as the opening of the new Twilight bullshit movie. As I passed the gigantic line of losers waiting to catch the first showing, I was supremely glad that I don’t suck. The Found Footage Fest is a hilarious collection of found footage (duh) that has been compiled before the advent of YouTube. It was hilarious and refreshing to see something that off the wall in a proper movie theatre! I highly recommend checking one of the Found Footage Volumes out! You can check for more stuff.
3. Lymelife
Lymelife is a hilarious coming of age movie set in the 70’s with such awesome actors as Alec Baldwin, Rory Culkin, Cynthia Nixon, and Emma Roberts (to name a few). In a nutshell: Sex, booze, shitty families, sex, lyme disease, sex. How can you go wrong with that?
2. Big Fan
Big Fan. Patton Oswalt and Kevin Corrigan. Fighting. Jersey boobs. Football. Done.
1. Fantastic Mr. Fox
If you haven’t seen it. Do it. Now. (it was really really good, but I am getting bored with writing why I like these movies. Wes Anderson is awesome. Nuff said.)
Honorable mentions: Anvil: The Story of Anvil, Goodbye Solo, and Until The Light Takes Us
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